HypothesisTests.jl copied to clipboard
Spearman Test (this needs review)
Here I'm adding the Spearman correlation test, with some alternatives to calculate P values. I'm think it's correct, even when S values are different from R's S values.
> x <- c(10, 10, 20, 30, 30)
> y <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
> cor.test(x, y, method="spearman")
Spearman's rank correlation rho
data: x and y
S = 1.0263, p-value = 0.01385
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:
Warning message:
In cor.test.default(x, y, method = "spearman") :
Cannot compute exact p-value with ties
> (5^3 - 5) * (1-0.9486833)/6
[1] 1.026334
> sum((rank(x) - rank(y))^2) # Used in my implementation
[1] 1
With less than 10 points, my implementation calculate all the possible S values using the ranks, and midranks in the case of ties, to calculate the exact P value. This looks better to me than the S used by R (without taking ties into account):
julia> x = [10,10,20,30,30];
julia> y = collect(1:5);
julia> HypothesisTests.SpearmanCorrelationTest(x, y)
Spearman's rank correlation test
Population details:
parameter of interest: Spearman's ρ
value under h_0: 0.0
point estimate: 0.9486832980505138
Test summary:
outcome with 95% confidence: fail to reject h_0
two-sided p-value: 0.06666666666666667 (not significant)
Number of points: 5
Spearman's ρ: 0.9486832980505138
S (Sum squared difference of ranks): 1.0
adjustment for ties in x: 12.0
adjustment for ties in y: 0.0
Coverage decreased (-6.7%) to 83.521% when pulling 5a9c7e5571b771d4b2dfe83169f54931fe933997 on diegozea:master into 351b8d09392a5fcfa49ded4a7a657c038118b9b1 on JuliaStats:master.
I ran all the methods in this pull request, and I measured the differences against R's P values with the following function:
function P_test(N)
data = DataFrame(
ties = DataArray(Bool, N),
P_R = DataArray(Float64, N),
P_R_exact = DataArray(Float64, N),
P_jl_exact = DataArray(Float64, N),
P_jl_sampling = DataArray(Float64, N),
P_jl_estimated = DataArray(Float64, N),
P_jl_ttest = DataArray(Float64, N)
y = 1:11
for row in eachrow(data)
x = vcat([1, 2], rand(1:40, 7), [39, 40])
row[:ties] = length(unique(x)) != 11
row[:P_R] = rcopy(R"""cor.test($x, $y, method="spearman", exact=FALSE)""")[symbol("p.value")]
row[:P_R_exact] = rcopy(R"""cor.test($x, $y, method="spearman", exact=TRUE)""")[symbol("p.value")]
corr = SpearmanCorrelationTest(x, y)
row[:P_jl_exact] = pvalue(corr, method=:exact)
row[:P_jl_sampling] = pvalue(corr, method=:sampling)
row[:P_jl_estimated] = pvalue(corr, method=:estimated)
row[:P_jl_ttest] = pvalue(corr, method=:ttest)
From 110 samples without ties, this is the distribution of P - R's P with exact=TRUE
R (FALSE) exact sampling estimated ttest
min -0.0051819 -0.000650414 -0.00289196 0.000254004 -0.0193903
25% -0.00449384 -0.000615007 -0.00130036 0.00464081 -0.0117049
median -0.00330545 -0.000446603 -0.000583082 0.00584124 -0.00690082
75% -0.00165133 -0.000137737 -0.000265782 0.00641158 -0.00268308
max 6.66145e-5 0.000216525 0.000780357 0.00654717 3.33073e-5
From 390 samples with ties, this is the distribution of P - R's P with exact=FALSE
exact sampling estimated ttest
min -0.00123275 -0.00521559 -0.0179128 -0.0172322
25% 0.00116759 0.000986073 0.00480537 -0.0114892
median 0.00277293 0.00224276 0.0081975 -0.00560353
75% 0.00389003 0.00330739 0.00975644 -0.00131509
max 0.00590762 0.00567053 0.010392 -5.16563e-9
Comparing all (500 samples, with and without ties) the values against the exact P value of this pull request, P - Julia exact P value:
R (FALSE) R (TRUE) sampling estimated ttest
min -0.00590762 -0.00590762 -0.00677725 -0.0166801 -0.0226378
5% -0.00472031 -0.00434692 -0.00162825 -0.00377428 -0.0193502
25% -0.00394747 -0.00364021 -0.000527372 0.00356583 -0.0149684
50% -0.00275482 -0.0016838 -0.000109277 0.00581605 -0.00769338
75% -0.00117023 -8.76156e-5 1.60013e-5 0.00702659 -0.0024413
95% -8.8607e-5 0.000615007 0.000294464 0.00738872 -0.000154633
max 0.00123275 0.00123275 0.0011114 0.00759521 -7.96502e-7
is a good trade off between time performance and accuracy. :estimated
and :ttest
should be better with more points (I used 11 points to be able to calculate S for all the permutations to get an exact P value).
I guest I'm getting Int overflow here... How can I solve it? The problem is in this line: https://github.com/diegozea/HypothesisTests.jl/blob/master/src/spearman.jl#L121
julia> x
Spearman's rank correlation test
Population details:
parameter of interest: Spearman's ρ
value under h_0: 0.0
point estimate: -0.7284221607028682
Error showing value of type HypothesisTests.SpearmanCorrelationTest:
ERROR: DomainError:
in spearman_P_estimated at /home/diego/.julia/v0.4/HypothesisTests/src/spearman.jl:121
in pvalue at /home/diego/.julia/v0.4/HypothesisTests/src/spearman.jl:166
in show at /home/diego/.julia/v0.4/HypothesisTests/src/HypothesisTests.jl:98
in anonymous at show.jl:1299
in with_output_limit at ./show.jl:1276
in showlimited at show.jl:1298
in writemime at replutil.jl:4
in display at REPL.jl:114
in display at REPL.jl:117
[inlined code] from multimedia.jl:151
in display at multimedia.jl:163
in print_response at REPL.jl:134
in print_response at REPL.jl:121
in anonymous at REPL.jl:624
in run_interface at ./LineEdit.jl:1610
in run_frontend at ./REPL.jl:863
in run_repl at ./REPL.jl:167
in _start at ./client.jl:420
julia> x.n
julia> (x.n-1)
julia> (x.n^2)
julia> ((x.n+1)^2)
julia> ( (x.n-1) * (x.n^2)* ((x.n+1)^2) )
julia> ( (x.n-1) * (x.n^2)* ((x.n+1)^2) ) / 36
julia> sqrt( ( (x.n-1) * (x.n^2)* ((x.n+1)^2) ) / 36 )
ERROR: DomainError:
sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(complex(x)).
in sqrt at ./math.jl:144
This gives a better result, but maybe is not the best solution:
(((x.n+1)^2)/36) * (x.n^2) * (x.n-1)
Maybe just call sqrt(max(0, ...))
Maybe use nf = float(x.n)
in the calculations or compute the log
of the standard deviation.
It could help a bit to pull the squared quantities outside the square root. (x.n)^2 and (x.n+1)^2 in particular. Then the argument to the square root grows as x.n rather than x.n^5... But numerical recipes might be doing something intentionally that I'm just not ready to handle. Actually, yeah, I think they might have organized the code that way to make use of integer arithmetic which, these days, isn't as a big advantage.
Clever ideas @andreasnoack and @fiatflux ! Since N > 0
, sqrt((N-1)*N^2*(N+1)^2)
is just sqrt(N-1)*N*(N+1)
. I will also use float
, just in case it could avoid the integer overflow.
Thanks! I updated the pull to avoid Int overflow ;)
julia> x = rand(10153);
julia> y = cos(π*x+0.5π);
julia> corr = SpearmanCorrelationTest(x,y)
Spearman's rank correlation test
Population details:
parameter of interest: Spearman's ρ
value under h_0: 0.0
point estimate: 0.01719171284150201
Test summary:
outcome with 95% confidence: fail to reject h_0
two-sided p-value: 0.08324014651846666 (not significant)
Number of points: 10153
Spearman's ρ: 0.01719171284150201
S (Sum squared difference of ranks): 1.7143548239e11
adjustment for ties in x: 0.0
adjustment for ties in y: 0.0
julia> R"""cor.test($x,$y,method="spearman")"""
Spearman's rank correlation rho
data: $x and $y
S = 1.7144e+11, p-value = 0.08324
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:
Coverage decreased (-6.7%) to 83.538% when pulling 74ab3958f8a502a86a40af34b921801af5f24c8c on diegozea:master into 351b8d09392a5fcfa49ded4a7a657c038118b9b1 on JuliaStats:master.
When there is no ties, S values are the same between R's cor.test
and this SpearmanCorrelationTest
and they are calculated in R using the equation (14.6.4) in Numerical Recipes. Here I compare rho value using equation (14.6.5), used when there are ties, from our SpearmanCorrelationTest
's S values against the real rho values. I use the following functions:
using StatsBase
function rho_with_ties(S,N,tx,ty)
# Equation (14.6.5) from Numerical Recipes
(1-((6/a)*(S+(tx/12)+(ty/12)))) / (sqrt(1-(tx/a))*sqrt(1-(ty/a)))
function diff_rho(x,y)
corr = SpearmanCorrelationTest(x, y)
corr.ρ - rho_with_ties(corr.S, corr.n, corr.xtiesadj, corr.ytiesadj)
describe(Float64[ diff_rho(rand(1:10,i), rand(1:10,i)) for i in 11:10000 ])
Summary Stats:
Mean: -0.000000
Minimum: -0.000000
1st Quartile: -0.000000
Median: 0.000000
3rd Quartile: 0.000000
Maximum: 0.000000
I found no differences between the real rho values and the values derived from our S values.
I will add this to tests...
Coverage decreased (-6.6%) to 83.64% when pulling 8d2e57d140df476c518883acbe3eab889b0d8110 on diegozea:master into 351b8d09392a5fcfa49ded4a7a657c038118b9b1 on JuliaStats:master.
Travis shows an error with FisherExactTest
unrelated to this pull request:
Maybe tests for t.ω
should use @test_approx_eq_eps
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: assertion failed: |t.ω - 7.3653226779913386| <= 8.881784197001252e-12
t.ω = 7.365322678060777
7.3653226779913386 = 7.3653226779913386
difference = 6.943867703057549e-11 > 8.881784197001252e-12
while loading /home/travis/.julia/v0.4/HypothesisTests/test/fisher.jl, in expression starting on line 81
@fiatflux I updated the code, deleting paddings and extra spaces. I also setted a seed for each random test ;)
Coverage decreased (-6.6%) to 83.64% when pulling 5f366e32ab58ed858c38978690bef1eb1091dccb on diegozea:master into 351b8d09392a5fcfa49ded4a7a657c038118b9b1 on JuliaStats:master.
Coverage decreased (-6.6%) to 83.64% when pulling 4d826aa9987182e65fa77bdf8cd321c61fe58736 on diegozea:master into 351b8d09392a5fcfa49ded4a7a657c038118b9b1 on JuliaStats:master.
Coverage decreased (-6.6%) to 83.64% when pulling 3ec64c75af50fe61a2d822eff7945d58a0c69bfb on diegozea:master into 351b8d09392a5fcfa49ded4a7a657c038118b9b1 on JuliaStats:master.
Coverage decreased (-6.6%) to 83.64% when pulling c73345bfeaaccb4194cfad5f7c8ac433725c37d0 on diegozea:master into 351b8d09392a5fcfa49ded4a7a657c038118b9b1 on JuliaStats:master.
Looking pretty good to me. Only thing that concerns me now is that it seems coveralls thinks left-tailed tests are not exercised in the unittests. What's going on there?
@fiatflux I added more tests to improve test coverage and I fixed bugs that I found in the process.
Thanks for writing this @diegozea !
You're welcome! :)
What's the status of this PR? Would be great to have Spearman test in the package.
Nothing new to add here, just wanted to know the state of this PR and if there's any luck this will be merged in the future
Hi, any news for the merge of this PR?
Somebody needs to rebase the PR against current master and update it to run on Julia 1.0 and above.