Diego Javier Zea

Results 61 comments of Diego Javier Zea

Sorry about that. The problem is that `Format.jl` is a fork of this repo without its own issues (I didn't know exactly where to inform this because of that).

Add a tester function and use Julia 0.5's `retry` for `download`.

This is solved for `downloadpdb`, `downloadpdbheader` and `downloadpfam` because they calls the new function `download_file`. `download_file` calls `Requests.get_streaming`. Therefore, It's possible to use the keyword arguments `allow_redirects` and `max_redirects`. However,...

It was taken into account when MIToS 2.0 was written. However, the private function `MIToS.PDB._get_plane()` makes an intensive use of `push!` and It could be optimized.

Now it's possible to `write` the `PDBFile` and opens it with PyMol or Chimera ;)

Now, there is also a plot recipe for a `Vector` of `PDBResidue`s, but that recipe could be optimized to generate one group per chain: https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Plots.jl/issues/1167 Also, It would be great...

It looks to happen the same with `@capture_err`

Thank you so much for the quick answer. I am having this error with the 75% of my files. Would it be possible to have some keyword argument for allowing...