Diego Varese
Diego Varese
I second this, this is Scala and usually nulls should be avoided like the plague. I find 2 behaviors of Jacks to be a bit disconcerting: 1) If I have...
Another argument in favor of this is that many people like us are probably migrating from Jerkson to Jacks, and thus this behavior would conflict with what Jerkson does with...
On 1, I don't think they're mutually exclusive. It's how Jerkson worked, and how a library like Json4S works as well. Truth is, for the JSON blob you generate, writing...
We're looking into using Reactive Mongo and support for something akin to this would be spectacular, as we don't want to have to rely on Play's JSON library.
Any pointers on how to get started with this? I wouldn't mind adding it to a fork and submitting a PR.
I feel these 3 are good examples where adding unawaited makes things clearer, so the lint is working as intended?
So what's the fix for this? I am using StatsD+Graphite with the default step value and all my values are squished to the left. If I use summarize(metric, "10s") I...
I'm having a hard time reproducing this on a vanilla Play project, but here's more information on what I get. Apparently I get a `NoClassDefFoundError` with the message `Could not...
Here you go (replaced and removed a couple of values for security reasons): ``` [platform-project] $ show atmos:trace-dependencies [info] List(com.typesafe.atmos:trace-play-2.1.4:1.3.0:atmos-trace-compile) [platform-project] $ show atmos:full-classpath [info] List(Attributed(C:\git\adsk\platform-main-project\target\scala-2.10\classes), Attributed(C:\Users\username\.sbt\boot\scala-2.10.0\lib\scala-library.jar), Attributed(C:\Users\username\.ivy2\cache\org.javassist\javassist\jars\javassist-3.16.1-GA.jar), Attributed(C:\Users\username\.ivy2\cache\com.github.scala-incubator.io\scala-io-file_2.10\jars\scala-io-file_2.10-0.4.2.jar), Attributed(C:\Users\username\.ivy2\cache\com.github.scala-incubator.io\scala-io-core_2.10\jars\scala-io-core_2.10-0.4.2.jar),...