
Results 5 comments of diegotecrede

Hi @liuyajian . Thanks for your reply. I've tried, but accuracy of paddleOCR is not so good. I have a rich dataset of license plates, and I think yolov5 can...

Hello @wolfpack12. Yes, I did it. My dataset is all labeled in each chararcter as different classes. I think I didn't expressed correctly. I use yolov5 for another object detections,...

Sure @wolfpack12 . All images are similar . Training and test set are images of only license plates (already cropped) of real world. And all of them are from about...

> i trained similar dataset before, my task was OCR mrz on idcard. i started tuning model with yolov5s so i can tune faster then u can try yolov5m for...

> Hi @Henryplay . I think you can't define exactly width and height, but only --img-size parameter with a multiple of 32 number, it will resize your images automatically.