Diego Morais

Results 6 comments of Diego Morais

Same problem here.. nothing on this?

Nice @Williams25, but wouldn't be great if could just add a value to the columns declaration, like: ``` const columns = [ { name: "Order", selector: "orderId", maxWidth: "10%", center:...

@FernandoUnix onde é possível ter acesso à documentação oficial desses novos layouts da NF-e?

Note that I am using podman. And, `podman pull` works just fine. ``` Trying to pull iad.ocir.io/idptftutffev/repo/imagename:tag... Getting image source signatures Copying blob 898e72ab52ca skipped: already exists Copying blob 898e72ab52ca...

Using `docker pull` works just fine (obviously after `docker login`). The same way `podman pull` is working as shown above. One thing to add, is that on Windows side I...

What about another *.csx file @filipw?