
Results 220 comments of Haz

Thanks for working on this. There are several ways to deal with this problem. For example, a more explicit approach would be accepting the overrides through the hook/Provider props: ```jsx...

No idea! If you can provide a reproduction in CodeSandbox I can take a better look.

Constate currently doesn't support dynamic selectors like that. The static selectors are enough for most cases though, including the example you provided. Do you have a real use case? Could...

I'm not sure we can do that, especially the `No need for a Provider` part. Hooks need to run at the component render phase, and with Constate they run on...

Hi @ColCh! I’m not familiar enough with preact to think on a fix for that. Do you have any idea? 🙂

It should copy everything if you choose to replicate `SignUp`. Isn't it working for you?

Got it. Just out of curiosity, why have you named it `signUp.styles.js`, and not `SignUp.styles.js`? Regardless, this doesn't seem to be a common structure. And I'm afraid that it could...

Hi @pie6k! Would you like to work on that?

Probably related to https://github.com/diegohaz/generact/issues/14#issuecomment-326831291 I chose not to update those names because it could lead to false positives. But it should replace all `BigDogs` words by `SmallDogs`. Isn't it working...

This seems to be a problem with this function: https://github.com/diegohaz/generact/blob/master/src/utils.js#L11-L20 I don't have a Windows machine to test it. Could you try to change it?