Diego Ferigo

Results 243 comments of Diego Ferigo

> Thanks for the detailed break down of releasing in PyPi. To immediately answer this ticket, yes a PyPI release is on my todo list and I have briefly looked...

For future reference, I've found another explanation of the inclusion of headers / libs / targets etc inside the wheel in [pybind's documentation](https://pybind11.readthedocs.io/en/stable/compiling.html#pep-518-requirements-pip-10-required).

#### Installation ```bash # Optional: create and enable first a virtualenv, then: sudo apt install libxml2-dev libassimp-dev libeigen3-dev coinor-libipopt-dev swig pip3 install idyntree ``` Note: if a virtualenv is enabled,...

After https://github.com/robotology/idyntree/pull/774, the supported platforms where we distribute wheels no longer need to install the system dependencies since all the necessary files are included in the wheel. Currently only linux...

Awesome work @GiulioRomualdi, I'd love to see idyntree pybind11 bindings on par with those autogenerated by SWIG. As we understood in this last period, it's a very effective way to...

Sorry for jumping in so late but this PR stayed in my backlog for too long. Thanks @francesco-romano for the thorough review, and @GiulioRomualdi for iterating over it. I do...

I am not sure if this deprecation will play well when iDynTree is used from other languages as Python. I fear that the Python code would become very complex due...

> I would not be to afraid to just keep both the span and the old methods around. I'm not so against it since after all also in C++ the...

>>Digression: what's nice about spans is that they could be easier to map from NumPy types (which are passed as pointer + size... that is a span!). Using spans could...

SDF support would be an excellent addition, particularly with the new frame semantics feature. Beyond the comprehensive list of advantages your listed, I would add that we can directly use...