
Results 4 comments of DiDasKein

I'm running terraform in WSL on windows, if you create an init.sh file with the code below : ``` export ARM_CLIENT_ID="__spn_client_id__" export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="__spn_client_secret__" export ARM_TENANT_ID="__tenant_id__" export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="__subscription_id__" ``` when you...

I have the same issue, i think i found the solution : **NSWAG file BEFORE :** ``` "documentGenerator": { "fromDocument": { "json": "{\r\n \"openapi\": \"3.0.1\",\r\n \"info\": {\r\n \"title\": ....... ",...

Folder Name : DevolverDigital.WeirdWestWin10_6kzv4j18v0c96 wgs files : https://1drv.ms/u/s!Av7Pb9pv9kKU9vRqQg9a9OMeWItPdQ?e=0dNrgi Thank you ;-)

@Z1ni Do you need more info ?