Dick Verweij
Dick Verweij
Note you can ONLY reproduce the bug if the CURRENT DATE is > 29 of the month.. and the month you want to set hasn’t that many days.. $scope.currentDate is...
complete log: Starting: build ipa ============================================================================== Task : Flutter Command Description : Launch a custom Flutter command with custom arguments. Version : 0.2.32 Author : Aloïs Deniel Help : Don't...
- task: FlutterCommand@0 inputs: arguments: 'build ipa --export-options-plist=ios/exportOptions.plist --verbose' displayName: 'build ipa'
looks like that this is not performed on the command "Flutter Command": // 1. Check flutter environment var flutterPath = task.getVariable(FLUTTER_TOOL_PATH_ENV_VAR) || process.env[FLUTTER_TOOL_PATH_ENV_VAR] || task.getInput('flutterDirectory', false); flutterPath = path.join(flutterPath, "flutter")
We have exactly the same problem. We used a work around to give a maximal height to webview and use specific gesture recognizer to scroll in the sized webview so...
We used a webview widget with a fixed (maximized) height SizedBox parent and use gestureRecognizer (PlatformViewVerticalGestureRecognizer) on the webview so users can scroll IN the sizedbox.
Thanks @arlakay!. What was causing the issue btw?
Me too Me too
@BenjaminPoncet i tested your branch, now no more errors in cordova platform add ios... but.. after the command the project file does not contain the share extension. I think cordava...
almost @BenjaminPoncet .. it is now without erors. but.. there was a reason you did a "after_prepare" step in the first place. in the prepare step cordova overwrites the PRODUCT_BUNDLE_INDENTIFIER...