Thalia Solari
Thalia Solari
> Are you using the latest version? I think I was on the latest update before 3.2, but I went ahead and updated Blender to 3.2 and malt to the...
[malt 2022-06-09(13-28).log]( Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
[malt 2022-09-06(05-00).log]( This is what I'm seeing in the viewport, not getting the blue color I usually get as seen above, seems to be generating them properly here.  Made...
(Just kinda writing things down as I experiment with them) Adding a light doesn't change anything. Editing the cubes doesn't break them. Creating a new material A ok. All objects...
That seems to have fixed it for me! All objects are getting properly generated ids now as far as I can tell. Both the id node and random per object...
Yep that seems to fix it for me too. Glad to see this get resolved. Should we mark this issue as closed then?
Process isn't forcibly closing anymore, but now parameters for nodes are not displaying, nothing is rendered in the viewport, and graph types are labeled red (with no options listed when...
Alright that fixed the issues in the node editor, but the viewport display is still black, nothing rendered to the screen. Log file doesn't really seem to show much of...
> Does the System Console from Blender print anything? It spams the console when I unlink the color input on the render output node with this: ``` Python: Traceback (most...
Been testing this out for a good bit, converting old shaders to node groups for efficiency's sake. I'll probably make a longer discussion thread later about some stuff I'd like...