Try creating a new certificate and sign it with the self signed one. Keep the self signed one in the key chain, OpenSSL may not even be checking whether it...
Oh, OpenSSL doesn't seem to be checking the keychain at all. Try this: http://jw35.blogspot.gr/2011/02/root-certificates-for-macos-openssl.html
Please tell us your system version, the version of Loadiine you are using, any connected peripherals (like if and which controllers are connected) and add reproducible steps that lead to...
I know from n1ghty that we do have a way of temporarily saving files, so it should be already theoretically possible now, but directly having access to /vol/ would simplify...
The tool in question can be found here: https://github.com/dimok789/loadiine_gx2/tree/master/server It logs file I/O events, pretty much. It might help you in solving your problem, if there's a file missing on...
Are you talking about the single-link kexploit+loadiine installer? It is indeed annoying that rerunning that crashes the system. Should be fixable by checking whether it's already installed before doing anything.
I'm mainly interested in doing localizations, which is impossible to achieve without being able to repack the assets, so I'd definitely be interested in this, too.
There is an asset file repacker available somewhere, will post it later because I'm currently on mobile, but unfortunately it's closed-source and it only allows to replace files that have...
So here's the tool I was talking about, if anyone was interested: http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=10085