khmer copied to clipboard fails with zero exit status: graph structure is too small
I just ran khmer for kmer pruning on > 300 samples in quiet mode. Somewhere in the middle, I got this on stderr (I didn't log stderr, my bad).
** ERROR: the graph structure is too small for
** this data set. Increase data structure size
** with --max_memory_usage/-M.
** Do not use these results!!
** (estimated false positive rate of 0.889; max recommended 0.800)
When I screen throught the running stats, all jobs have zero exit status. Sorry, this is really ..., basic programming. Now I probably have to redo computations for all files because khmer does not do proper error reporting.
Best, Johannes
Hi Johannes, definitely a bug. What script are you running?
(installed version would also be useful!)
Sorry, I forgot the details: -C 3 -Z 18 -V -M 4e9 -T $TMPDIR -q -o - $infile | pigz > ${outfile}
I installed the latest version via pip, which is 2.1.2
Please check but I think this might be the same pipe issue as in #1853, sorry about that.
willcheck - again, regardless of where the problem lies, we really appreciate the report!