
Results 8 issues of diaverso

Errors occured when the player is hit. Minecraft: 1.12.2 SpongeForge: spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.1.7-RC3880 Minecraft Forge: 1.12.2-forge1.12.2- JVM: 1.8.0_201/64-bit (Oracle Corporation) OS: Windows Server 2016 Web-API: webapi-5.4.6-S7.2.0 Latest: https://gist.github.com/diaverso/cc5ceabd49c2b90a92cd54338e5b37bd


When trying to give it to open the server does not leave me. https://i.imgur.com/JpURvFE.png Configuration code: "module.exports = { game: 'arma3', // arma3, arma2oa, arma2, arma1, cwa, ofpresistance, ofp path:...

I am trying to install this wifi antenna in kali But, when I do all the steps, it doesn't install It recognizes me as being connected but it is not...

sudo python android_embedit.py -kp howto -kn howto -ks howto.keystore Spotify_Premium_v8.6.32.925_MOD.apk msf.apk [*]=============================== [*] Android EmbedIt Version 1.0 [*] Author: Joff Thyer [*] Copyright (c) 2018 [*]=============================== [*] apktool decompiling [Spotify_Premium_v8.6.32.925_MOD.apk]...

I am using this command to upload the .rar files from a folder. But it gives me an error. `onedrive-uploader_windows_amd64_v0.8.0.exe upload "F:\Arma 3\Rpack\*.rar" /Arma3` If I put it directly with...

I have ubuntu installed on WSL2, with cuda installed. https://imgur.com/jU0VFJQ But when I run docker with the command "sudo docker compose run -p 8501:8501 -v /path/to/your/media_files/folder:/media_files subsai-webui" I get this...

I have the interface of casaOS I have created the file docker-compose.yml with these parameters `version: "3.9" services: kuma: container_name: uptime-kuma image: louislam/uptime-kuma:latest ports: - "3001:3001" restart: always volumes: -...