Hello, I connect to an M$ SQL Server (details see below) using _bookshelf_, _knex_ and _mssql_ node modules. The server has a database table with two primary key columns, therefore...
Hello, I am using bundle `com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.jackson-jaxrs-json-provider` in an OSGi environment. The first thing I got was this exception: > java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jaxb.JaxbAnnotationIntrospector cannot be found by com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.jackson-jaxrs-json-provider_2.6.3 > at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal( >...
Something like `expect("foobar").to.equalDate(new Date());` causes the code to throw > TypeError: date.toDateString is not a function However, it would be preferable if the lib throws an assertion error, which makes...