
Results 6 issues of dhwani2410

I have a matrix of 4000*1400, can I use it for classification problems using random forest?

**Describe the issue** So, I have selected top genes using MutSig2CV. I am passing the top genes in the "genes" parameter of oncoplot. But the color code generated in the...

I have used this code ` library(r2d3) r2d3(data = jsonlite::read_json("flare.json"), d3_version = 4, script = "circlepacking.js") ` **But the image generated is static and I cannot zoom into circles individually**

dhwani@dhwani-Precision-WorkStation-T7500:~/Documents/hla_scan/test_out/HLA-master/docker$ make build docker build -t docker-dev.hli.io/xchao/hla-dev -f dev.dockerfile . flag provided but not defined: -f Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | - Build a new container image...


Hello, I am not clear with the input file. I have a list of biomedical abstracts which have been tokenised, lemmatized and POS tagging is done. Should the POS tagging...

I have two questions related to this:- python run_re.py --task_name=$TASK_NAME **--do_train=true** --do_eval=true --do_predict=true --vocab_file=$BIOBERT_DIR/vocab.txt --bert_config_file=$BIOBERT_DIR/bert_config.json --init_checkpoint=$BIOBERT_DIR/model.ckpt-1000000 --max_seq_length=128 --**train_batch_size=32** --learning_rate=2e-5 --num_train_epochs=3.0 --do_lower_case=false --data_dir=$RE_DIR --output_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR 1) **Can we run the prediction and...