Dmytro Hrytsenko
Dmytro Hrytsenko
Take a look at [our datatable]( It have few fixed issues and maybe it'll be useful for you.
Can you show me your data which you set to datatable as a `data-source`?
How many people use npm to install custom elements? I'm just wondering if it required
@yamenarahman @altaevdennis You could use [bwt-datatable]( which was published on npm
Hi @a-skillz23! If you want to use paper-datatable with some new features you need to check our element from [repo]( Please, read desription to learn more about it
@RoXuS nice work! I saw it)
Hi! Try to set right row number: `this.$.paperDatatable.set('', 'Tom');` I find it example on docs page [Getting started]( and it help me with a same problem)
Hi @lomori. You can easily to it by changing your `dataSource` by adding a new item to it and then refresh a data in table.
@TakhirMamirov Did you try to use custom mixin `--paper-datatable-top-toolbar`? You can easily use mixin: #datatableCard { --paper-datatable-top-toolbar: { height: 0px; } }
Hi @sebs! If you want to use paper-datatable with some new features you must to check our element from [repo]( Please, read desription to learn more about it. It's work...