Dhruv Tailor

Results 27 comments of Dhruv Tailor

You can add `activeOpacity` using `pressableProps`. ``` ``` The `activeOpacity` prop is mentioned in the documentation but does not do anything so it should be removed.

> Hi @dhruvtailor7, good job. have you worked on the iOS platform too? I see that It's not working on iOS simulator at all Yes. I am working on this....

@emadbaqeri @ehsan6sha What action button do I have to add at the bottom of the screen? Also, I have fixed the black screen, header issue and it is working on...

@emadbaqeri @ehsan6sha @ghorbani-m I have added the following - action button at the bottom of the screen - panResponder to go back The performance issue is because of the shared...

@ghorbani-m I have added the code for swipe down to go back to the main screen. If we use the shared element transition, it is causing a delay in the...

@ghorbani-m I have pushed the code for transition. Please check.

Hello @ghorbani-m, I have added a few more optimization parameters to the flatlist. I think this is the best we can achieve with Flatlist.

Hello @ghorbani-m, Have you checked the scroll performance after the optimization?

@necolas on Android, if we have multiple items in the `source` prop, and we do not provide width/height on each item, than an error is thrown from the native side....