Hi, when i run this command no results were generated in results dirctory. python /users/omri/workspace/Trainbert/PreSumm/src/train.py -task ext -mode test_text -test_from /users/omri/workspace/Trainbert/PreSumm/models/ext_model/model_step_50000.pt -text_src /users/omri/workspace/Trainbert/PreSumm/raw_data/temp_ext.raw_src -text_tgt /users/omri/workspace/Trainbert/PreSumm/results/result.raw_tgt -log_file ../logs/ext_bert_cnndm -visible_gpus 1 How...
hi, did you get NYT preprocessed data? If yes, can you please share it with us?
Hi, run this command python -m pyrouge.test if you get errors so you can fellow these 6 steps. Maybe this could help you https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45894212/installing-pyrouge-gets-error-in-ubuntu
Hi, i tried this command to make a summary for src_text.txt but i don't find any result. python /users/omri/workspace/Trainbert/PreSumm/src/train.py -mode test_text -task ext -test_from /users/omri/workspace/Trainbert/PreSumm/models/ext_model/model_step_39000.pt -text_src /users/omri/workspace/Trainbert/PreSumm/raw_data/src_text.txt -min_length 200 -max_length...
Hi, thank you. But I got two files. (. Condidate and. Gold). Gold file is empty, do you know why? ________________________________ De : Brandon Touchet Envoyé : lundi 1 juin...