Daniel Houck

Results 34 comments of Daniel Houck

> You don't need to git pull manually, because there's `aur-fetch` which `aur sync` uses as well. Ah, I thought `aur-fetch` was also AUR-specific, but that seems to be only...

Yeah, I agree that I could simplify the procedure for official repositories. I donʼt see myself using non-AUR non-official PKGBUILDs Iʼm not completely writing myself, so Iʼd probably skip some...

Iʼll look at this later today; Iʼve been a bit busy recently but it should be calming down soon.

I don't know about QEMU shutdown commands that way, but I'm pretty sure QEMU supports SBI, so you can use [the SBI shutdown command](https://github.com/riscv/riscv-sbi-doc/blob/master/riscv-sbi.adoc#system-reset-extension-eid-0x53525354-srst). I could be wrong about that...

Huh, it looks like the latest version of OpenSBI [supports SRST](https://github.com/riscv/opensbi/blob/12394a269b8b60e2d37b56afb2fa39fde6a3a4b8/lib/sbi/sbi_ecall_replace.c#L138), but I guess it might not be supported *on QEMU* or they might use an old version. I certainly...

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. This isnʼt working in other modes either, or with any lrc file I try. Digging deeper, this is because [the...

Thanks, that should help. Yeah, money isn't necessarily a good fit (at least in the real world; it could work for simplified programs or fictional economies), but it's an example...

Why was this marked low priority? Something thatʼs “barely usable” on displays that are getting more common doesnʼt sound low priority. My display isnʼt even very high DPI, but I...

I tried switching to a later version of Java (though I used 17, not 11) and it didnʼt help (and #287 points out issues with that (I havenʼt noticed yet)....

Adding `-Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.0` works for me if Iʼm using a Java version greater than 8, but `-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true` does not. That could be some other configuration issue on my system because itʼs...