
Results 44 comments of Alex

Mmmh... I approved this too quick ; I noticed on [awesome-bots]( that it violates multiples rules from the guidelines : - It has a Table of Contents section named *Table...

Hi @amritabithi Thank you for mentioning this. I was busy on another project at the time when you reported this. I will try to have a look at this very...

@amritabithi Did you `pip install --upgrade prompt_toolkit` ? You can also `pip install -upgrade dronesploit`. Does it still give any error ?

Hi @amritabithi ! Actually, the reason why you cannot get the value auto-completed while trying to connect to your target is probably that the related WiFi is not open and...

Hi @Manoharmamidipaka It seems that `dronesploit` starts with Python2 while it should run with Python3 (see the paths in the traceback). DroneSploit and SploitKit are aimed to run only with...

@Manoharmamidipaka The thing is that your first trace shows that the binary "`/usr/local/bin/dronesploit`" relies on "`/usr/local/lib/python`**`2.7`**" while the trace for the update shows "`/usr/local/lib/python`**`3.9`**". Can you show the result of...

@Manoharmamidipaka **Workaround**: You can edit this file and set the first line as `#!/usr/bin/python`**`3`** instead of `#!/usr/bin/python`. **Fix**: This should work as a permanent solution : 1. `pip2 uninstall dronesploit`...

Hi @Manoharmamidipaka You made a typo in the package name ; it is "`dronesploit`" and not "`droneploit`"...

@Manoharmamidipaka This may be fixed with the latest version of Tinyscript. Please `pip3 install --upgrade tinyscript` and try again.

Hi @cutesparrow ! There is currently no support for this, but I'm now investigating on this feature. I'll keep you posted.