
Results 34 comments of dhiahassen

we can add a function , let name be : 'GPU_CreateTraget()' , so instead the user loaded a target from image , he can also use this path and create...

Buddy i am afraid the issue is more SDL_gpu related , i was wrong , it is true that SDL_SaveBMP() gives a valide bmp file , but the issue is...

Ok now i fixed the problem , it is in CopyImageFromSurface() , when i avoided that function this way : `SDL_Surface* srf1 = GPU_LoadSurface("img.png")` `GPU_Image* img1 = GPU_CreateImage(srf1->w,srf1->h,GPU_FORMAT_RGBA);` `GPU_UpdateImage(img1,nullptr,srf1,nullptr)` `GPU_SaveImage(img1,"img2.png",FORMAT_PNG)`...

Lets change this : `static_inline GPU_bool has_colorkey(SDL_Surface* surface)` { `return (SDL_GetColorKey(surface, NULL) == 0);` `}` to this : `static inline GPU_boll has_colorkey(SDL_Surface* surface)` `{` return surface->format->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA4444 `}` according...