sdl-gpu copied to clipboard
GPU_SaveImage() exportes a broken png file of a GPU_Image that is loaded from a png
GPU_SaveImage() exports a broken png file , i loaded a png file , stored it in a GPU_Image* , and it is rendred fine , but when saving itthe resultant png is broken , when using SDL_SDL_SaveBMP() the resultant file bmp is valide, , the issue is the stb extention you are using , i edited the function implimentation replacing stb calls with SDL2_IMAGE calls and the resultant png is now valide , wanned you to know that SDL2_IMAGE doesnt use stb , it usees : tdefl_write_image_to_png_file_in_memory_ex() function from miniz.h , and it is working fine and never broken , and by the way , in my case GPU_SaveImage() fails this way only with some images loaded from png files ( i can attach the png that failed after i loaded it and saved it again )
Can you send me the png that isn't working right? It's very probable that stb-image-write just can't handle it.
I do recommend using an external loader like SDL_image if you need better png support (e.g. stb-image-write is very slow). You should be able to use GPU_CopyImageFromSurface() with a surface loaded from SDL_image, then use GPU_CopySurfaceFromImage() to get it ready to save.
Buddy i am afraid the issue is more SDL_gpu related , i was wrong , it is true that SDL_SaveBMP() gives a valide bmp file , but the issue is related to sdl_gpu and png files , actually not because of stb library , i will give you and example :
SDL_Surface* img_srf1 = IMG_Load("img.png");
GPU_Image* gpu_img = GPU_CopyImageFromSurface(img_srf1);
SDL_Surface* img_srf2 = GPU_CopySurfaceFromImage(gpu_img)
at the end line IMG_SavePNG(img_srf1,"img2.png");
when i put img_srf1 , the resultant png is valide , but when i put img_srf2 that is created by sdl_gpu by converting , the resultant png becomes broken , ill attach the orginal png for you i hope the server wont edit the meta-data ...
it is a simple blue filt image , the result is this :
so the problem is with sdl_gpu converting from surface to image or from image to surface or both
Okay, that's good! I'll see if I can sit down with it this week and figure out the problem.
Ok now i fixed the problem , it is in CopyImageFromSurface() , when i avoided that function this way :
SDL_Surface* srf1 = GPU_LoadSurface("img.png")
GPU_Image* img1 = GPU_CreateImage(srf1->w,srf1->h,GPU_FORMAT_RGBA);
when i replace CopyImageFromSurface() with that code the resultant image is valide , but when i put GPU_FORMAT_RGB instead of GPU_FORMAT_RGBA it is broken again !! so the problem is with this portion of code inside CopyImageFromSurface() :
// See what the best image format is.
if(surface->format->Amask == 0)
format = GPU_FORMAT_RGB;
when i comment that portion and leave only format = GPU_FORMAT_RGBA;
it works fine with whatever image :)
Cool, that narrows it down. That check is clearly not the most robust thing. ;)
Lets change this :
static_inline GPU_bool has_colorkey(SDL_Surface* surface)
return (SDL_GetColorKey(surface, NULL) == 0);
to this :
static inline GPU_boll has_colorkey(SDL_Surface* surface)
return surface->format->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA4444
according to this : &
but actually not only RGBA4444 but also any format with the A
Can you see if this is resolved in 837c2d57355f0553cd492e28d7fbbb37039eec72?