GLSL backend
There're two GLSL branches floating around: 1) https://git.iodoom.org/~raynorpat/iodoom3/raynorpats-glsl_iodoom3/commits/master and a continuation 2) https://github.com/LogicalError/doom3.gpl/commits/master Both are based on different trees, and I merged those a while back on top of my...
While combing through toolchain/ to hunt down problems uncovered in #10862 and #11970 I noticed some irregularities and spots to clean up. Some are obvious, some less so. I'm not...
PKG_BUILD_FLAGS is a new variable for package Makefiles similar to PKG_FLAGS. It's a whitespace separated list of flags to control various aspects of how a package is build. The build...
An experiment to evaluate if [mold](https://github.com/rui314/mold) is worth adding/using. mold is a faster drop-in replacement for existing Unix linkers. It produces slightly smaller binaries compared to the currently used bfd....
This is a silent command that allows easy wifi up/down automation for scripts. It takes one or multiple devices as arguments (or all if none are passed), and the exit...
meson requires setting the linker via c_ld/cpp_ld. This now links meson based package builds with the chosen DEFAULT_LINKER.
My Midea dehumidifier came with a WiFi dongle, the case reads `EU-SK-105`. It has a USB connector, but the data lines are just UART TTL lines to another board. Those...
Finally we got some movement for the firmware licenses: https://prplfoundationcloud.atlassian.net/browse/PCI-16 >2. Grant of License. Subject to your compliance with the restrictions set >forth in this Agreement, MaxLinear hereby grants to...