Dheeraj V
Dheeraj V
None of the above listed solutions work for me, when trying to install v4.0.3 of `create-react-app`. I don't have CRA globally installed in neither npm nor yarn. Nuking npm cache...
I'm facing the same issue. Can we have the fix as proposed above by @sanderdewilde, please?
@dilanx I see both [`cosmiconfig`](https://github.com/cosmiconfig/cosmiconfig/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#820) and [`cosmiconfig-typescript-loader`](https://github.com/Codex-/cosmiconfig-typescript-loader/releases/tag/5.0.0) have added support for ESM in their most recent releases. Would it help upgrading these dependencies?
I was having the same issue and had to downgrade to 9.15.0. But [this workaround](https://github.com/prettier/prettier-vscode/issues/3100#issuecomment-1662693832) fixed the issue for me (I'm on prettier 2.x) and now I'm able to use...
@TRybakSUMO that's great to know! Awaiting the release.