
Results 9 comments of dhavalSA

Yes even with low FPS . i will try h264 and let you know Thanks

videoOutputSettings = [ AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecType.h264 as AnyObject, AVVideoWidthKey: width as AnyObject, AVVideoHeightKey: height as AnyObject ] @AMJ-7 it is already h264

i am having same issue. i did check that the reason for this issue is extension's memory use get increased more then 50 MB which ultimately crash the extension thats...

@yoreland is there any workaround for this issue.

i checked this , in AgoraUploader i did this modification private static let videoDimension : CGSize = { let screenSize = UIScreen.main.currentMode!.size var boundingSize = CGSize(width: 540, height: 960) let...

it seems like when internet goes down or device is bit slow it goes beyond 50 MB .

@yoreland Thanks for this solution . when we can expect new release with optimised memory issue with proper fix .

@yoreland Thanks ,Please notify us when 3.5.0 version is available

@jingliancui First of all if you want make your breakpoints working which are set in extension, you have to run your project by selecting extensions's target . if you run...