Dhaval Parmar
Dhaval Parmar
Yes, I tried from the branch. It's player for iOS to Android but not played for Android to iOS.
I tried with the `master` branch. It plays the bytes from iOS to Android. iOS receiving the bytes from Android device properly but it's not playing any chunks. Whereas bytes...
Can we connect over some calling platforms or on Google Meet or Google Hangout?
I tried with the master branch. It's submitting audio over the cross devices. but found something new that 1. Audio stream not playing if device is in silent/vibrate mode 2....
I think if you check earpiece issue and route audio through the Speaker only it may solve 1st issue as well. Also, it's great if you provide a method to...
Are you sure it was not worked for iOS? It's worked for me. Can we connect for the same?
@CasperPas I tried it with android device by adding the line `await _player.usePhoneSpeaker(false);` It's giving output from the speaker of the phone and if I am using `true` it's giving...
Yes. But I observed that I need to keep my device in Ringing Mode. It's not playing audio while it's in silent mode even if keep Media Volume high. That's...