Dhaval Parmar
Dhaval Parmar
It worked with 44000 sample rate for iOS and the recording quality is also good but the crash is still there. I got a log again for the same. Am...
`sendAudioMessage(Uint8List(0));` It's my internal function to manage that stream is over. `buffer.data = Uint8List(0);` it's for if my recording buffer / raw data is null so I can manage for...
After giving empty array / Uint8List(0) it's for our internal use. I'll not let Flutter sound unhappy with it. But I am not sure why it's crashing? When I am...
Below logs are only from XCODE. There is nothing related to an empty array. That empty array is for my internal use only which is not related to any platform-specific....
I am playing those raw bytes using Flutter Sound only. audioplayers is only for play audio from the URL
> @NitelPhyoe You can push like you would without the navigation bar i.e. `Navigator.pushNamed(context, "routeName");`. I tried the same but it won't work for me. Could not find a generator...
Yes, @CasperPas I am using WebSocket.
I tried today ios to ios as well but it won't work for me. Android to Android share byte and play works good for me
I am using [socket.io](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_socket_io) for sending and receiving bytes from one device to another. During initializing recorder and player I am using sampleRate `44100`. At the sender side when I...
Sounds great. I am trying it now.