David Grove

Results 53 issues of David Grove

With the advent of rpclib and in particular tail calls, KAR is arriving at a semantics where the central primitives are all based on updates to the messaging system. As...

The sidecar should not attempt to invoke endpoints in the application process until the application process indicates it is ready to receive workload. One possible implementation would be to have...

Liberty can detect changes to class files and automatically unload/reload the associate web application: _Changes to servlets and related classes If you change a servlet and save the file while...

Optimize our Kafka partitioning/rebalancing algorithm to reduce (or ideally eliminate) the stop-the-world pause that occurs when a a client-only sidecar joins the application mesh. One common scenario for this is...


Add support for batching messages in pub/sub.


When serializing a stacktrace we should elide frames as needed to avoid exceeding the maximum Kakfa message size

KAR currently supports two global timeout thresholds: `-actor_timeout` which controls how long we wait on busy/non-existent actors and `-service_timeout` which controls how long we wait on non-existent services. In addition...

We should detect if there are additional live kar sidecars attached to the mesh when performing a `kar purge` or `kar drain` operation and abort the purge/drain (perhaps unless forced...

Add the ability to have finer-grained control for request headers on Service invocations.


Kar implementation includes features to help avoid and/or debug common actor-actor deadlock scenarios. For example, the synchronous scenario A-calls-B-calls-A is implicitly supported and is described (somewhat abstractly as indirect re-entrancy)...
