David Grove

Results 53 issues of David Grove

The directory tests/src/integration contains a number of non-source artifacts (.zip, .jar, compiled executables) that cannot be included in an Apache source release. A build target should be added to re-create...

The homebrew formulae for the `wsk` cli does not embed any version number into the executable to be returned as a result of `wsk property get --cliversion`

When the TravisCI process builds an executable from a "release" tag like 0.10.0-incubating, the wsk cli version should be set to match the tag, not a timestamp. The 0.10.0-inubating release...

See https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-deploy-kube/issues/161. It would be helpful for new users if the error message from `wsk` when it can't verify a certificate would mention the need to use `wsk -i` when...


#712 seems to be back. This is what is on my screen. ![screen shot 2018-04-30 at 2 55 11 pm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5099100/39444664-8115f94e-4c86-11e8-807b-f3dfdefd8df0.png) This is what the "camera" button gives me as a...

help wanted

Depends on #1531 and https://github.com/qbicc/qbicc-class-library/pull/301

needs classlib support :hourglass_flowing_sand:

#1459 introduced a CompilerIntrinsic for acquiring a native function pointer to a static method: `CompilerIntrinsics.nativeFunctionPointer(String clazz, String method)`. This was done for expedience, because getting the nicer (and more checkable)...

kind: enhancement ✨

In the heat of the moment (while being a session chair), I got confused by how to operate the "split bar" that separates the chat portion of the page from...