Dan Greene

Results 48 comments of Dan Greene

@ViuLive is it possible that you're still importing the big file somewhere? If so please delete this: ``` @import '~antd/dist/antd.css'; ``` or if you're doing it in JS/TS, delete this:...

@alekb you can use the [`tsoa`](https://github.com/lukeautry/tsoa) library instead which has support for unions. We don't yet support a union of `T | null` but since we just merged union support,...

@alekbarszczewski tsoa also generates the endpoints by creating a routes.ts file. The readme is really good at explaining all of the capabilities: https://github.com/lukeautry/tsoa I don’t believe you would experience significant...

Update: I've done a little more research into the two libraries and I will do my best to update this document. If I've left anything out on either side, please...

The `tsoa` library just introduces support for unions (i.e. `|`) and aggregates (i.e. `&`): https://github.com/lukeautry/tsoa

> You can provide the value type already https://github.com/react-component/select/blob/master/src/Select.tsx#L73, but its unnecessary to define it on the Option. @chillyistkult, allow me to explain that it is necessary to achieve full...

It wasn’t in conflict when I submitted it. At this point I don’t care about this feature anymore. So either someone can take it over or we can close it.

@marcy-terui my team and I are very interested in the ability to deploy to specific stages. Do you have an ETA on when this might be available? Also, will this...

Reproduction steps: 1. navigate here https://codepen.io/dgreene1/pen/qBxzxGW?editors=1111 2. Turn on "Simulate async loading" under the "Configure" command widget. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14020024/175128802-dd8020de-399d-4afb-9a46-8eab8d67ffdc.png) 3. Scroll all the way down the bottom by dragging the vertical...

I guess it would depend on what is in `IDetailsRowProps`. If it's the value for that row of the table, then yes it would be flexible enough to provide a...