Dan Gradl
Dan Gradl
Ok I don't know why snyk is complaining - I've run it locally and it passes. Clicking details doesn't help because I do not have permissions.
Yes I understand, I installed snyk and ran a snyk test locally and it does not find the vulnerabilities you've listed there, so that is what I find strange.
It is undocumented. Routes have no name so it's difficult to support update or remove in kongfig without some reference. I used a little bit of code that will convert...
Check your kong version. The integration tests validate that it works. I've also already started using this branch and migrated 50 of my apis to service/routes.
Its tested against 0.14 community. As the PR indicates. I don't know what version of enterprise that Kong PR I referenced would be merged into. I certainly have no way...
Yes I gave up on 0.13 support for that reason. Without a name or the put how can you associate the route in your yaml with the route in kong....
I really struggled to get snyk to be happy with the dependencies as there were vulnerabilities before I even made updates. But I will take another stab at it soon....
Finally snyk is happy. Please approve.
pagination? service and route backups? Not really sure what you all mean. But like I don't really think anyone will ever merge this and I don't really care anymore. I've...