Darren Gosbell

Results 7 issues of Darren Gosbell

I'm using version installed from the Windows Store on Windows 10. When I click on the "Show log file" link in the about page it just opens Windows Explorer...


## Feature Swap the lines of selection with the adjucent one. (based off the work done in #90) This now correctly maintains the current selection and caret position and it...

In v4.60 (and earlier)- normally when you click on a "collapsed" anchorable you see the following and you can resize the window or pin it open: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8241830/142086310-81fdb9d8-ced5-4f05-84f5-d164e2815d89.png) If I add...

I'm interested in trying to add a "new document" button similar to what Excel has ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8241830/116952434-027e3c80-acce-11eb-8ce5-674a725a01b2.png) I was looking to see if there was a template I could override, but...

I just cloned the latest repo and ran the MVVMTestApp hoping to debug an issue I'm seeing in my app and to my surprise the MVVMTestApp shows the same issue...

Do you recall why the decision was made to set the backupFocusedControl to null on the following line instead of calling this.RestoreFocus() ? https://github.com/fluentribbon/Fluent.Ribbon/blob/10d353ea0250d6f9baac6a06681e9db6c8144f30/Fluent.Ribbon/Services/KeyTipService.cs#LL290C37-L290C37 I have a user who is...

The following small change adding a markupRender function fixes this issue and allows for markup to be used in log messages