@Faiqa123 @jitendrasuthar1998 FYI that this stackoverflow topic helped resolve this issue for me: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69868760/m1-mac-process-keeps-autogenerating-and-locks-my-port
@varun-s22 Issue is open and still happens. Don't see why it couldn't be worked on.
@varun-s22 Looks like it's actually a separate repo: https://github.com/mastodon/blog
@varun-s22 I don't appear to have permissions to move it so will just duplicate and close this
@varun-s22 Doesn't look like Issues are enabled for that repo so leaving here
Similar/same issues occur throughout https://joinmastodon.org/ pages
Seems addressing this may be challenging given Mastodon's [branding colors](https://joinmastodon.org/branding).
@marktnoonan Any ideas what's going on here?
@chadstewart @marktnoonan What do you think of this refactoring, and additional mobile test?
Thanks @marktnoonan! @chadstewart - any feedback or are you good with merging?