Hello @Pamir, I stumbled upon this ticket while I was struggling setting up the stackdriver-sidecar. I also had exactly the same issue ( /prometheus/wal: no such file or directory") and...
Same issue here
Are there any plans to reintroduce these metrics?
Hello @koperak , Thank you for your response. In the end I tested a few other base images and `python:3.7-buster AS builder` turned out to be fully working. To fix...
Hello @aantn, Is there any plan to add support for HPA resources?
Thank you for your prompt response, having the flag is a great start in my opinion.
Great stuff @aantn, what are the plans & timeline for releasing it?
Hello @aantn, I have tested the `--allow_hpa` flag and now I can see CPU & Memory recommendations for the workloads that we have HPA configured for.
Thank you @aantn for the quick implementation
Hello @aantn, Is there a way to get this prioritised? It is a main functionality that broke in the new version.