David Garcia

Results 34 issues of David Garcia

This pull request adds the necessary configuration files to support [automatic docs previews on pull requests](https://sphinx-theme.scylladb.com/stable/deployment/previews.html). ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9107969/191319744-7b137e68-cc38-47b6-935a-387f897868e9.png) Once we merge this pull request, @tzach will follow the guide [Enable previews](Enable...

Transaction URIs do not support webhook calls as defined in [NIP2](https://github.com/nemtech/NIP/blob/main/NIPs/nip-0002.md#webhooks) yet. ## Use case Imagine a decentralized app that shows a button "Sign this transaction", which links to a...


Implement the latest search commands: - [ ] metadata search - [ ] accounts search - [ ] receipts search - [ ] namespaces search


Related: https://github.com/nemfoundation/symbol-data-lib To be defined.


``transaction search`` and ``transaction info`` does not display embedded transactions. ` - [ ] Add the embedded filter to ``transaction search command``. - [ ] Add embedded transactions support by...


The class ``TransactionAnnounceService`` is not unit tested: https://github.com/nemtech/symbol-cli/blob/master/src/services/transaction.announce.service.ts


Currently, I have to test a set of commands manually every time there is a new release. I would need some help installing the e2e infrastructure with some initial tests...


In general, the user should be able to sign all transactions offline. At this moment, the only exceptions are the **metadata** & **mosaic restrictions** commands - they are using a...


To announce a transaction, the user must define a ``maxFee``. Setting a low ``max_fee`` value could lead to never get the transaction confirmed. Now that [we have a function](https://nemtech.github.io/symbol-sdk-typescript-javascript/classes/_infrastructure_networkhttp_.networkhttp.html#getnetworkfees) to...


Command tables do not have unit tests. To solve this issue, we can move existent tables to a new ``views`` folder, and implement unit tests for every table.
