Same issue here with v0.9.1: ``` level=info ts=2020-06-15T11:40:31.592Z caller=stackdriver_exporter.go:136 msg="Starting stackdriver_exporter" version="(version=0.9.1, branch=HEAD, revision=770b1be3d430ef9768f30a2a5d2e35557e464f3c)" level=info ts=2020-06-15T11:40:31.592Z caller=stackdriver_exporter.go:137 msg="Build context" build_context="(go=go1.14.4, user=root@faf330a7765b, date=20200602-12:12:58)" level=info ts=2020-06-15T11:40:31.592Z caller=stackdriver_exporter.go:158 msg="Listening on" address=:9255 panic: duplicate...
> So I've debugged it as I have the same case. > > The root cause of the problem is when you have defined custom metrics based on logs with...
Hello. Same issue here: ``` panic: descriptors reported by collector have inconsistent label names or help strings for the same fully-qualified name, offender is Desc{fqName: "pg_settings_google_insights_enabled", help: "Sets whether to...
Hello. Same issue here, a badly configured date in a device pushing metrics with OpenTelemetry collector via remote-write causes the out of bounds error and moves the head block times...
> @frederiksf I also observed same bug. Do we need both histogram and float type queries for this? Any workaround to disable histogram type rules? A quick solution would be...