Danielle Gunter
Danielle Gunter
Sphinx version is 4.2.0. And the conf.py without the article footer items or content footer items is here. https://github.com/Concordium/concordium.github.io/blob/main/source/mainnet/conf.py We don't build to readthedocs.
I think the issue is that I'm using quite an old version of the theme from when these elements did not exist.
@abizjak I've assigned you but you can delegate this task to whoever you'd like.
@abizjak Is this still relevant?
I'm not sure what the plan is for releasing DW. @orhoj
@Bargsteen Is this still relevant?
Similar feedback from Keld [https://stehr-nielsen.medium.com/getting-in-on-the-fun-a-personal-guide-to-deploying-smart-contracts-on-concordium-fc531eacef6e]
I think this was done, wasn't it?
@DOBEN Do you have anything that is upcoming that might address this issue?
@abizjak I believe point 2 is related to #350, no?