Daniel F. Lupu
Daniel F. Lupu
I was looking into working on this, but I ran into a small issue. If this syntax were to work `myStream.pipe(execa.duplex('myFile', ['my', 'arguments'])).pipe(myOtherStream);` we'd have to return a duplex stream:...
> This looks good in general, but I think we are getting some complications due to the feature that we can select a single sub-object to run on. Is this...
> @dflupu heya, do you plan on continuing work on this? We're actively working on reducing the number of open PRs, and I'd like to know where we stand with...
I think I've covered everything. Feel free to review again.
@nikola-matic Okay! I've rebased it.
@Barbapapazes fyi the project you linked doesn't have this issue because it's using vuetify v1. v2 was a complete rewrite.
@cameel I'd like to try my hand at implementing this. Could I be assigned to it? Also, are there any tests at the moment for this particular tool? Should any...