Hi @LionelJouin , Thanks for responses, I followed your instructions, but still failed at step kubectl apply -f docs/demo/multus-meridio.yaml -n red The pods proxy-load-balancer still not ready >Readiness probe failed:...
Hi @LionelJouin , Do I need to create NetworkAttachmentDefinition meridio-nad like in ? https://meridio.nordix.org/docs/demo/multus-kind-ovs/#installation Regards, Duong
Hi @LionelJouin , I updated multus-meridio.yaml/Attractor to use type nsm-vlan ``` name: ext-vlan0 ipv4-prefix: ipv6-prefix: 100:100::/64 type: nsm-vlan nsm-vlan: vlan-id: 100 base-interface: eth0 ``` Now, all pods are up...
Hi @LionelJouin , Do you think Frontend should check external interface before starting bird (bgp/bfd)? I can see in case of static config that frontend reach ready state although the...
A possible way is to configure route to client ( on server preferred source ip Try this. https://superuser.com/questions/376667/how-to-route-only-specific-subnet-source-ip-to-a-particular-interface