Daniel Lindner
Daniel Lindner
Could you please provide some context for the adaptation? In most cases, negative numbers should be treated as `unary minus` plus `unsigned integer`, resulting in the correct result. Is there...
I could reproduce the error and opened an issue for it. We will discuss on what is the best solution for a fix.
I wasn't aware of this, but it makes sense as it also covers `CAST` in `INSERT` statements. Maybe also `select_no_paren` could be an issue for value insertions. Thus, I think...
I think a subset of (simple) expressions is fair. > What do you mean with "Maybe also select_no_paren could be an issue for value insertions."? A `SELECT` statement for one...
Note that a quick search for wrongly ordered access specifiers (e.g., `public` after `protected` or `private`) gave quite some results. Once #2402 is merged, I'm gonna have look into these...
To ensure nothing gets worse with this PR, I started multiple benchmarks: - [x] `benchmark_all.sh` PR vs master. Sanity check, nothing is marked as sorted and SortedSgmentSearch does not execute....
> It also looks as if the the points raised by @tjjordan have all been addressed, right? I answered all of them and got 👍, so I guess it should...
This is all about `BaseCompressedVector` → `AbstractCompressedVector` (and corresponding `*Decompressor`), right? Maybe use a more specific PR name.
Just came across `BaseSegmentEncoder`/`SegmentEncoder` (see `storage/base_segment_encoder.hpp`). Would this class fit into this PR as well? And, minor, `operators/table_scan.cpp` L129 references `BaseTableScanImpl` in a comment (which has already been renamed to...
Maybe we should discuss our definitions of `Base*`/`Abstract*` in a fortnightly. Currently we have: | Name | Meaning | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Abstract* | An incomplete class...