Dexin Wang

Results 3 issues of Dexin Wang

I download the 'Dex-Net_Object_Mesh_Dataset_v1.1' and try to render the depth map of the mesh model in Pybullet. But the depth maps of some mesh model are abnormal, these models appear...

I transmit the action loop to the UR5e, and then observe the returned robot0_eef_pos: code: for i in range(10000): action = [0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0] obs, reward,...

I tested the control of UR5e with different gripper actions [-1,1] and then printed the corresponding observations. -1 corresponds to [-0.0275, -0.2755, -0.2017, -0.276, -0.275, -0.201], 1 corresponds to [0.504,...