Dewei Hu
Dewei Hu
Hi @prihoda ~ Thanks for your reply. The simplest way that I came up with is: 1. Use anarci to find two domains, and slice the sequences in two domains;...
@prihoda ```python >>> import anarci >>> seq = 'QIQLVQSGSELKKPGASVKVSCKASGYTFTHYAMNWVRQAPGQGLEWMGWINTNTGEPTYAQGFTGRFVFSLDTSVSTAYLQISSLKAEDTAVYYCAREREPGMDEWGQGTLVTVSSGGGGSSSSSSDVVMTQSPLSLPVTLGQPASISCRSSQSLVHANTNTYLEWYQQRPGQSPRLLIYKVSNRFSGVPDRFSGSGSGTDFTLKISRVEAEDVGVYYCFQGTHVPNTFGQGTKLEIK' >>> sequences, numbered, alignment_details, hit_tables = anarci.run_anarci(seq,'kabat',allowed_species='human') >>> alignment_details #[[ #{'id': 'human_H', 'description': '', 'evalue': 1.4e-55, 'bitscore': 178.0, 'bias': 1.0, 'query_start':...
Did you guys fix it? I'm using `POST` method as well, and using `request.request.form.to_dict()` to get the data. Here are some of my codes: ``` @app.route('xxxxx',methods=['POST']) def appxxx(): """ xxxxx...
Hi @Hellisotherpeople, I have a very similar issue with you. I have a medical document, which corresponds to several ICD codes (labels). Actually, there are more than 8000 ICD codes...