Julian Finkler

Results 16 comments of Julian Finkler

Solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58694353/webview-without-height-inside-scroll-not-working#answer-58730573 ```dart showCupertinoModalBottomSheet( expand: false, context: context, backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, builder: (context) => Container( height: mq.size.height * 0.9, child: WebView( allowsInlineMediaPlayback: true, initialUrl: urlString, javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted, gestureRecognizers: Set() ..add( Factory(...

I think that this is not possible since the share targets depends on the target app itself.

I'm already working on a fix. The problem is the method invocation by reflection. Proguard removes the methods accidentally because "they are not used".

Please write the output of `flutter --version`. Are you testing with a real device or an Android Emulator? Which Android version are you using? Please give also a minimal code...

Sorry for the delay. I'll take a look on that this week

I'm sorry but I'm busy AF at the moment. If anyone will try to fix this, PRs are welcome. @SteffNite I didn't try it on emulators so I can not...

What's the output of `flutter --version`?

Sorry for the delay. I'll take a look on that this week

You're right, iOS only supports something called [MultipeerConnectivity](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/multipeerconnectivity). Maybe it's possible to use native WiFi functionality to connect both OS' (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/network)

I'm working on a new release which addresses several open issues.