Steps: 1.Import sample "Google Analytics Example" 2.Observe the build Actual: Builds fails with below Exception: * What went wrong: Unable to make protected void accessible: module java.base does not...
##### Steps 1) Import SMS Verify App Android App sample on the EEPatch 2 or Flamingo RC1 2) Upgrade AGP to 8.0.0-rc1 3) Build project(Build->Rebuild) ##### Observed Result: Build failed...
1) Import Trackr Android App sample on the EEPatch 2 or Flamingo RC1 2) Upgrade AGP to 8.0.0-rc1 3) Build project(Build->Rebuild) ##### Observed Result: Build failed with below error ```...
##### Steps 1) Import Basic sample(in Kotlin) for writing unit tests that mock the Android Framework Android App sample on the EEPatch 2 or Flamingo RC1 2) Upgrade AGP to...