@SlyDave For me, i can't see any flags on our URL; I have the same problem as @chrisloughnane
I just now found the reason of the problem. The event `$select.on('',` function (e) {` is not triggered if the version of bootstrap-select is higher than 1.12. Im looking for...
If it can help you, i did the following on my project: ``` ``` But to do this (:error-messages) i had to fork the repo and do this: [code]( Hope...
I have the same problem and I have not yet managed to use the batch on the google calendar api. Google\Http\Batch::add(): Argument #1 ($request) must be of type Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, Google\Service\Calendar\Event...
I fix my problem. @gbretas You need to add thoses lines: ``` $this->httpClient->setDefer(true); $calendarService = new CalendarService($this->httpClient); $calendarService->getClient()->setUseBatch(true); $batch = $calendarService->createBatch(); ... $request = $calendarService->events->insert(YOUR_CALENDAR_ID, $event); $requestId = YOUR_REQUEST_ID $batch->add($request,...
Hello. Any update on this ? I m facing the exact same problem with nuxt 3
My middleware was blocking the request on the api/_content