Ali Devrim OGUZ
Ali Devrim OGUZ
Some error still persists on runtime, I am unable to fix this problem for the time being. Asking for your help! Example Output: Error receiving or decrypting the challenge: {}...
This needs to happen already! +1 For the PlatformIO PIC support
Any updates on this?
Hello, I have added the line as you said in the ESP32_S3.h file (my board is esp32-s3) and now the other errors are disappeared but this error came up: ```...
> > Another update: It gives the same error when I call SPIFFS.begin(); without including this library. > > SPIFFS is removed from IDF 5.x. It has been deprecated for...
We work with these devices in our company. We have used thousands of these readers and we are getting them from many different sellers. I have encountered many problematic readers...
As a side note; I also tried changing the chips on these readers, it doesn't have an effect on the reading performance on these boards. The good chip on a...