Jinwoo Nam (Nolan)
Jinwoo Nam (Nolan)
@shivamerla Thank you for your reply, but I don't need a custom exporter. I am asking if it is more appropriate to panic() the exporter when an error such as...
## Caveats Currently, the base models of `gpt-3.5-turbo` and `gpt-4` do not include the `FUNCTIONS` feature. According to [OpenAI's announcement](https://openai.com/blog/function-calling-and-other-api-updates#:~:text=will%20automatically%20be%20upgraded%20to%20the%20new%20models%20listed%20above%20on%20June%2027th.), starting June 27, the base model will change to version...
@QuickResolveAI Hi, You can make you own plugin. Here is [quickstart repo](https://github.com/devnjw/plugins-quickstart). (forked from [OpenAI Plugin Guide](https://platform.openai.com/docs/plugins/examples)) ### 1. run plugin server ``` pip install -r requirments.txt python main.py ```...
@YashSinha2006 @chen198328 I'd like to know more about what's going on. It would be helpful if you could show me some server logs or a DevTools network window. Or try...
@YashSinha2006 1. Unfortunately, you can't use Wolfram Plugins because it requires authentication. See https://www.gptplugins.app/ and look for plugins which has `auth: { "type": "none" }`. 2. Yes it only works...
### June 27th Updates * The default models of OpenAI have now been updated so that we can use function_call without filling '0613'. * A plugin debugging window has been...
@Pomelo-Chen It would be helpful if you could show me some server logs or a DevTools network window. (or debugging window which is merged today)
@chen198328 If you deployed to Vercel, you might not be able to access the Todo Plugin you deployed to your local machine. Deploy the Todo Plugin in the same space...
@atakamizawa Yes. You can set default plugins using types/plugins.ts. I'm not using Plugins in types/plugins.ts, but you can use it through edit utils/app/plugins.ts [`getPlugins`](https://github.com/UpstageAI/chatbot-ui/blob/c2629755d45a8c57a855045c1da438eb3768d32d/utils/app/plugins.ts#L1)
@SwiftDevvy See https://www.gptplugins.app/ and look for plugins which has `auth: { "type": "none" }.`