Results 68 comments of David CARLIER

looks interesting but I do not have it in my compilers I have the experimental namespace tough.

Just curious, would building separately arm64 and x86_64 and gluing them with `lipo` work for you ?

there might be a need for easy deployment for mac devices, there are still intel variants.

things have changed since the "ppc old days" tough. digging into apple docs, this is the way to do with M1 devices You can theoretically do a xcode project...

Note I notice a weird condition where the gcc code path is favored for macos (instead of xcode) I ll try to push the fix upstream.

assuming you mention the arm 64 version, can you possibly compile it in rosetta mode eventually ? looking at the svn repo, the arm64 code path is not here for...

> this made openspades compile on the raspberry pi i used to test it while it runs it errors out thought but that is unrelated and most likely just means...

Just curious, I wonder whether if you have installed this version of GLEW or this one

[]( Would you be able to build from source from this slightly modified version ? No guaranteeing it will fix your issue but at least to see if the error...