Devesh Khandelwal
Devesh Khandelwal
The Migration API has an internal Enterprise Migrations client, so that causes troubles if I follow this. As I can't name both of them `Migration`, so I have named the...
Since I'm already implementing the Migrations API, should I take this up after I am finished with that?
@ryangribble Sure, I'll try to make it production-ready ASAP.
I'm sorry, but I didn't understand. Also, I don't know how to create a chocolatey package but I'll try and hopefully open a pull request. But I just wanted to...
I think that can cause problems for both the user and the developer. Doesn't the developer has to configure his application to be deployed via two different ways, also the...
Okay, as you already have chocoloatey support, I'll try to work on Squirrel. Since I'm new to this, please bear with me if it gets late or not done properly....
Sorry, for not replying after such a long time. After getting some time, I did searched around a bit and found out that Squirrel supports only .NET >=4.5. So, the...
I don't whether that was sarcasm or not, but AFAIK, support for .NET4 (current target) has also already ended. Also, not many users of this app(or any other app) are...
Thanks @shiftkey for clearing it out. I'm also sorry if I came across as taking any shots. I will take a look at it and see what are the possibilities.
Have you tried updating to the latest release of the library? ``` compile ('com.github.florent37:materialviewpager:1.1.0@aar'){ transitive = true } ```