Andreas Jim-Hartmann
Andreas Jim-Hartmann
> scalafix will replace wartremover, eventually. What is the background of this statement? Is this opinion shared by the other Wartremover contributors? TIA for a brief explanation!
PR: Unfortunately the problem persists in IntelliJ IDEA (if you use the built-in build system, not the SBT console build).
I'm trying to publish like this: releaseStepCommandAndRemaining("^ publish"), but the sbt 0.13 artifact is uploaded as `my-sbt-plugin_2.10_1.0/` instead of `my-sbt-plugin_2.10_0.13/`. What am I doing wrong? [info] Setting `sbtVersion in pluginCrossBuild`...
I'm facing the same issue. +1 for including hidden files.
Probably related to #46.
+1 from me for this issue. It is hard for me to sell the library to my coworkers as a safe alternative to the Java standard library if it provides...
I am facing this issue as well. Calling `forceUpdate` only when the component is mounted (in `useTrackerWithDeps`) seems to solve the issue: ```typescript useMemo(() => { // To jive with...
The warning is emitted in the following component. It doesn't use `useTracker` directly, only `useSubscribe` and `useFind`, so there are no custom side effects involved. The warning is usually (maybe...
I am facing this issue as well. It occurs when using React elements, i.e. not strings, as labels.